Thursday, December 31, 2009

This blog has moved!

My new home in the blogging world is:

All posts from this blog have been moved. Subscribe by email or add it to your feed :)

Happy reading,


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thoughts on blogging

I am thinking it might be smart to consolidate my blog a bit. Right now I actually have three- one more focused on crafting, and one about my son. I think I will start posting any home/craft/cooking (etc.) posts here. After all, this is supposed to be a blog about the life of a photographer mom, so (as long as there are pictures), I don't always have to only post about photography, right?

I am not even sure if anyone reads this, but I don't even care. I blog because I want to, because I have things I want to share with the world, whether it is listening (looking) or not.

So not tonight, but soon, I might just write about my recent crochet projects, or the yummy bread I baked the other day... Or about photography.

Read on friends!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, December 26, 2009

iPhone Photography

My husband and I each got an iPhone 3gs for Christmas, and for the last few days I have of course been playing with the camera. I must say, I am pretty impressed. You can touch
to focus, and overall the quality is quite good for a phone camera. And of course it is with me everywhere I go, which is really the best part!

Here are a few pictures I've taken with it:

Okay so yes they are all of my son... But seriously can you blame me? Look at him!
The second and fourth images have effects I added with a fun app called CameraBag, and the first is edited with another app, Photogene. A couple other notable photography apps for the iPhone are Photoshop Mobile and Pano. I am so happy to finally have a way to take fairly decent shots anywhere without having to tote my Nikon. There are even apps for helping get the correct exposure, for when I am using my camera. I'll definitely be looking into those...

Merry Christmas, a day late :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh how I Love this Face

Yesterday we did some portraits in the park, because as many photographs as I take of him, I do not actually do formal shoots of him often enough. I will use these for our Christmas cards, which I guess I'd better order considering that it is December 10th already...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am not abandoning my blog, I promise.

Life throws unexpected trials at us sometimes. This week our family got a huge one from way, way out in left field. My mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with leukemia. She is starting chemotherapy on Monday and will be in the hospital for a while. My husband's family has the most amazing solidarity, and relatives have been at their house for days now spending time with her, cooking and cleaning. We are very, very close with my in-laws, and this takes priority over everything else, so I may not post as often as I would have for a while, because I want to help however I can.
Seeing everyone from their family come together as they have for her has touched me so deeply and reminded me how valuable and important family really is. I am so blessed to be in this family, so thankful.
If you pray, or even if you typically don't, please do so for my mother-in-law. This is going to be a rocky path for her and for all of us but she is so strong and I am so hopeful.
And if you are into year-end charitable giving, please consider donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society this year.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I snapped this across the table from Seth towards the end of our Thanksgiving dinner. It was my first time hosting for the holiday, and my first time roasting a turkey, and Seth's first time eating turkey. We had a wonderful day, and have been eating leftovers in abundance ever since!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Love and New Life

I had the opportunity yesterday to do a shoot with Stacey, Chris, and their adorable six-week-old son, Josiah. It was a very overcast day at the beach, but we got some great shots anyway! Here's a preview...

(I'm not sure why my photos have been uploading to Blogger at such a low quality- in reality they are much clearer than this.)

New families are probably one of my favorite subjects ever- there is so much love and joy, and newborn babes are so sweet! I had a lot of fun working with this precious family.

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